Saturday, May 4, 2013

Beauty Heals

Last night, I had an evening of beautiful people and beautiful music, in someone's backyard out in the country. It was one of those experiences that has come to define my life: going somewhere I've never been, to be with people I've never met (although I had a traveling buddy along for the adventure), and seeing what the Holy Spirit has in store. And, true to form, I had no idea what we'd find!

The only way I can think to describe the experience is that it was startling, unexpected, but in a peaceful way - not jarring or shocking. It was more like a morning when you wake up peacefully, perfectly, without any grogginess. With a warm light coming in the window, and with clarity in your mind... an awakening.

As I continue to bask in the glory, all I can think is this: beauty is healing. It was such a simple evening, but I feel like it began to heal a cynicism in my heart, a hardening that I didn't even realize was there. Hope, beauty, love, truth, goodness: yes, all of these do exist. I'm not fighting an uphill battle for something that isn't real. Sometimes the world can wear us down a lot... but beauty is healing.

It didn't have to be loud or dramatic. It doesn't have to be at a retreat or during a powerful talk or something that we think of as "ministry." Healing can come through a quiet evening of beauty. Hope and renewal can be found in encountering just a few people who understand what it truly means to be human. On a blanket in a grassy backyard, as the sun goes down. Beauty is alive, and love is real, and hope is based in truth.

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