Friday, August 23, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday - Anticipation Edition!

Let's talk about 7 things I'm looking forward to:

This weekend! I'm going to see my family, my friend and her baby, and, as I just found out, a couple friends from western Canada and their baby! Ohhhhhhh, it's gonna be so good!

Another friendship thing: my Wapak BFF comes back from vacation on Sunday! Finally. (Luckily we Skyped yesterday, so that will tide me over for the last couple days without her.)

We're kicking off the new youth ministry year on Wednesday! I'm not going to lie, it's not pure excitement... I'm also a little bit scatterbrained and nervous. But I know that once all the teens start walking through the doors, all the to-do lists and office work will be completely worth it! All that fades away, the adrenaline starts pumping, and I'm like GAME TIME. LET'S GO HOLY SPIRIT LET'S GO!
Spiritual direction! After a false start last year, it's for reals this time, hopefully. Again, nervous. But it's going to be good for me.
Labor day weekend! The action continues... a friend from Colorado is coming into town, and we're going to go visit all of our friends around Ohio! It's brilliant, really. Why aren't all holidays on Mondays? Anyway, it's basically going to be mini college friendship reunion time, so I'm psyched for that!
I'm on a roll in my kitchen: homemade granola, yogurt, and now, with the purchase of a food dehydrator from Aldi's, dried fruit all the time! Haven't busted out the bread maker yet, but it's coming. I'm also planning to swipe my family's strainer pot thingy, so that I can make and can applesauce without having to peel and core the apples first. OH! And did you know that if you freeze bananas and then blend them, it tastes kind of like ice cream? AMAZING. And healthy (unless you add chocolate syrup and coconut, like I did.) So basically, I'm looking forward to more fun kitchen time. As a friend of mine would say, #domesticdiva.
Since I mentioned food, I might as well mention its counterpart: I've actually been sticking with this exercise routine (all two weeks of it)! Although I never really look forward to working out, I've already noticed a difference in the way I feel. Plus, I'm improving! Mostly this means that I feel less like death (still like death, but less). But I've also noticed more discipline in my life as a whole, which is a pretty cool thing, too.

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