Friday, August 9, 2013

Here we go!

Today, I started working out. For reals this time. Because I have accountability now... shoot.

I kid, I kid... it's actually kind of awesome! One of the core team members for our youth ministry is one of those super healthy fitness-type people, and she wants to start up an exercise group as a ministry in our parish. (Can I just say how cool our core team is? And how much I love hanging out with them, just doing random things as friends?) It's really sweet, she's putting a lot of thought into it, and I really hope it gets approved by our pastor/parish council... 

But in the meantime, she's getting me going. And it kicked my butt today. 

No, really. Like, I'm a freaking wimp. 

I'll spare you the details, like how I needed to lie down in the middle of the football field at one point, to prevent puking/fainting. Actually, I guess that was basically all the details... anyway. Yes, I am only in my 20's. But it's cool. Just like everything else in my life, it'll make a great story for a youth ministry talk someday, right? Perseverance, running the race, strength in our weaknesses, humility, etc. It's chock-full of spiritually significant themes. This is the plus side of working in ministry: you can take practically every random thing that's ever happened to you, and make it mean something! Sometimes we stretch it, I'll admit. But this one is actually pretty good!

This list is my favorite thing today. Hands down.
I think that's all. Basically, I'm just kind of excited to conquer something. So yeah, I'll just keep that in mind the next time I feel like death (aka Saturday). 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck working out!

    Huh, you know, I think #9 on the list kind of works in meta way...
