Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Timehop Tuesday! (vol. 2)

As I wrote last week, I'm starting a new series of posts: Timehop Tuesdays! I'm going back in time to see the things that I cared enough about one or two years ago to put online. Were they worth it? You can be the judge.

I remember this first one very clearly! 

To be honest, it kind of ended up failing anyway... the camping part was fun, but then it rained on our Cedar Point day and we hardly got to ride any rides! Still, it happened, and I achieved a milestone in my youth ministry career: actually doing something.

I also remember this one quite distinctly:

All these first-year, post-college youth ministry moments really stick out in my memory. This one in particular was right after our Steubenville follow-up event! The other two youth ministers were like hey, Katie, you're not leading anything yet... wanna give a quick talk about what happened at Steubie, for the kids and parents who didn't go?

Sure thing! I was actually pretty pumped. I think I ended up talking a lot about one of the main Scriptures they used over the weekend: Jesus walking on water. I remember the phrase "get out of the boat!" came up a lot. All in all, fun times. During all the craziness of my first summer on the job, this tweet was proof that once in a while, I actually did stop to reflect on what was happening, and how blessed I was to have this new job.

I'll let you ponder this next one on your own:

And this fabulous gem:

St. Josemaria Escriva is great at kicking me into gear when I'm being a spiritual slacker, but this quote was actually pretty encouraging, since it came at a humbling time for me. After a year of being in this job, I was taking a good look at what I did and who I was, and it was very easy to focus in on all my faults and failures. Not a bad thing to do some honest self-evaluation... I appreciated the saintly encouragement, though!

Last but not least, here are some of my favorite re-tweets! My brothers often accuse me of being a "re-tweeter"... and it's totally true. But hey, I just want to pay tribute to the wit and wisdom of those who are cooler than me, that's all:

Tee hee, Catholic humor. On a more beautiful, meaningful note:

Also on the theme of your heart:

Mmmm. So, go ponder that for a while. We're done for today... adios!

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